
Demon Hunters Series

Meet the Hunters: Wolf
11 years ago

Meet the Hunters: Wolf

Wolf One-Man War Zone and Brotherhood Freelancer


It’s the only thing still legible on his dog tags. The rest has been obliterated; either pounded flat or melted into …
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Meet the Hunters: Rigor Mortis
11 years ago

Meet the Hunters: Rigor Mortis

Rigor Mortis Recovering Vampire, Acrobatic Assassin, and Brotherhood Agent

Historically, the Brotherhood’s had no love for vampires. They’ve got a zero tolerance policy regarding feeding on humans, and vamps …
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Meet the Hunters: Silent Jim
11 years ago

Meet the Hunters: Silent Jim

Silent Jim Gunslinger, Omnidimensional Enigma, and Brotherhood Agent (Deceased)

The trenchcoat. The fedora. The ever-present shades. Silent Jim was more archetype than man. No one’s really sure how he …
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Meet the Hunters: Gabriel
11 years ago

Meet the Hunters: Gabriel

Gabriel Burnout, Suspected Traitor, and Former Brotherhood Agent

Gabriel was on top of the world. As the leader of Chapter Alpha One—the highest position a field agent of the …
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Podcast features DG artist, Ben Honeycutt
11 years ago

Podcast features DG artist, Ben Honeycutt

Ben Honeycutt, lead artist on the new Demon Hunters webcomic, was recently a guest on The Drakkarium’s Geek of all Trades Podcast. Get a sneak “peek”–after all it is audio …
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Dead Camper Lake on Film Inflicted Trauma
12 years ago

Dead Camper Lake on Film Inflicted Trauma

The fabulous folks at Film-Inflicted Trauma have made good on their threats to follow up their fair and balanced lambasting of Demon Hunters with an equally sentimental-yet-scathing review of our …
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Demon Hunters on Film-Inflicted Trauma
12 years ago

Demon Hunters on Film-Inflicted Trauma

Well, THIS was a surprise!

In 1999, the Dead Gentlemen unleashed Demon Hunters, our first feature film, on an unsuspecting college campus and, subsequently, the world. Today, the folks at …
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Demon Hunter Blues
15 years ago

Demon Hunter Blues


A favorite scene from Demon Hunters: Dead Camper Lake. Chris Wiener sings the blues.

Demon Hunters: Dead Camper Lake – Trailer
24 years ago

Demon Hunters: Dead Camper Lake – Trailer

A blast from our past, Demon Hunters: Dead Camper Lake is Dead Gentlemen Productions second feature film they produced in college. In March of 2000, the Dead Gentlemen convinced …
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Demon Hunters – Trailer
25 years ago

Demon Hunters – Trailer

Our first film together… EVER. The student film that started it all, directed by the ever-talented Ben Dobyns… who did EVERYTHING! Well, except write the script, which was done …
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