
Demon Hunters Series

Return of the Demon Hunters
10 years ago

Return of the Demon Hunters

Fifteen years ago, Dead Gentlemen Productions premiered their very first film to a packed theater on the PLU campus. We watched as agents of the Brotherhood of the Celestial …
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The Scene you DIDN’T see in Dead Camper Lake
10 years ago

The Scene you DIDN’T see in Dead Camper Lake

The final cut of Dead Camper Lake comes in at around 100 minutes, but that took a lot of cutting. The DVD has a branching version that includes a bunch …
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Demon Hunters Hangout
10 years ago

Demon Hunters Hangout


Last night we chatted about Demon Hunters and other various things. Here’s the full two hours. God help you if you actually watch the whole thing.

Demon Hunters: The Brotherhood Orientation Video (2008)
10 years ago

Demon Hunters: The Brotherhood Orientation Video (2008)


Written by Jenna McMichael, Nathan Rice, and Matt Vancil Directed by Ben Dobyns and Don Early

Since the most ancient days of the world, the forces of Evil …
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DG Live Hangout this Sunday
10 years ago

DG Live Hangout this Sunday

WHEN: Sunday, March 23rd at 8pm Pacific

To get ready for the launch of the anticipated Demon Hunters webcomic, a bunch of us DG are getting together via Google Hangouts, …
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Demon Hunters: Dead Camper Lake (2001)
10 years ago

Demon Hunters: Dead Camper Lake (2001)


Written by Matt Vancil Directed by Don Early

All Chris wants is to be an accountant. This changes forever when a demon murders his girlfriend and destroys half …
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Demon Hunters (1999)
10 years ago

Demon Hunters (1999)


Written by Matt Vancil Directed by Ben Dobyns

“Beneath the library, the demon awakes…”

Deep in the library basement of Pacific Northwest University lies a great evil, the …
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Meet the Hunters: The Cipher
10 years ago

Meet the Hunters: The Cipher

The Cipher – Mark III Obsolete Cybernetic Humanoid and Connection to the Brotherhood Database

It only looks human. The Cipher is actually the most important tool in a Hunter’s …
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Meet the Hunters: Albrecht
10 years ago

Meet the Hunters: Albrecht

Albrecht Werewolf, Recluse, and Former Agent of the Brotherhood

There’s not a monster on earth that doesn’t instinctively fear the name Albrecht. The family’s reputation as skilled and deadly …
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Meet the Hunters: Bijou
11 years ago

Meet the Hunters: Bijou

Bijou Thanatologist, Vodou Priestess, and Research Scientist for the Brotherhood

Zombies are a problem. Their self-replication, rapid transmission, and 100% death rate means zombies are the only supernatural species …
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